142nd Fighter Wing Engineers mobilize for deployment

  • Published
  • By Tech. Sgt. Aaron Perkins
  • 142nd Fighter Wing Public Affairs
Twenty-eight members of the 142nd Fighter Wing Civil Engineer Squadron participated in a formal deployment ceremony here, March 1, as they prepare to support Operation Enduring Freedom with members deploying to both Afghanistan and Bahrain.

Twenty-five Civil Engineer technicians will deploy to Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, and will provide support and maintenance services to facilities, airfields, and base infrastructure.
The three remaining members are firefighters with the wing and will deploy to Bahrain to perform fire and emergency services for both personnel and flight line support.

"Based on the ongoing drawdown in Afghanistan we expect to be clearing and dismantling several facilities while the base population decreases, as well as adjusting to the many flying missions that will be coming in and out of the region through Bagram," said Lt. Col. Jason Lay, 142nd Fighter Wing Civil Engineer Squadron Commander.

The training leading up to the unit's deployment has been focused on going to a part of the world that will be unlike the Pacific Northwest.

"We already know how to do our main job skills, but we have spent time refreshing our wartime skills as well as receiving some cultural awareness training," he said.

Seasoned members of the unit that have been deployed before will be an added asset for individuals whom this will be their first deployment.

"The ones with experience are good about sharing and helping those who don't really know what to expect about being gone for several months at a time," said Lay.

All their experiences help facilitate the mission to completion, as well as keeping people safe and secure to do their jobs.

Lay stated, "We have about 10 individuals that this will be their first deployment; most of us have deployed at least once before and for some this is their third or fourth deployment."