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  • Remembering Catherine "Kate" Black Elk

    Catherine “Kate” Black Elk, born on January 24, 1922 was one of 70 enlisted Women’s Army Corps (WAC) soldiers who served at Portland Army Air Base during World War II. She was a descendant of the Oglala Lakota holy man Nicholas Black Elk. Her niece, Ms. Betty O’Rourke, remembers her Aunt Kate as

  • An Armistice Day Overseas, 1944

    Eighty years ago, on November 11, 1944, Armistice Day, known as Veterans Day since 1954, was observed overseas by the World War II elements of the 142nd Wing. 

  • First Campaign: The 371st Fighter Group in the Air Offensive, Europe

    Eighty years ago today, April 12, 1944 the 371st Fighter Group (371st FG) began combat operation in the European Theater of Operations (ETO).  Getting into combat in the Air Offensive, Europe campaign required some changes in the unit’s mission and tactics, and overcoming obstacles unique to the

  • We as Allies Remember Jack T. McWilliams

    Armistice Day – In 1918, on the 11th day of the 11th month, at 11 minutes past the 11th hour, the guns of the First World War became silent.  In the aftermath of that conflict, with the permission of our Allied partner France, American soldiers who died on the battlefields in France were buried

  • The 371st Fighter Group and the Aftermath of the Holocaust

    During this April 24 through May 1, 2022 Days of Remembrance of Victims of the Holocaust, with the Russo-Ukrainian War raging in Europe and perhaps some of the ghosts of World War II being stirred, we remember the terrible things that can happen when one group of human beings are demonized,

  • The Pioneer Mustang Group’s Portland Sojourn

    The Airacobras zipped down the Willamette Valley, staying low and following the river valley south from Portland to Salem. It was a mock attack of one squadron of the Portland-based 354th Fighter Group versus another, and the 16 Airacobras led by 355th Fighter Squadron commander Major George

  • Remembered, Not Forgotten on National POW/MIA Recognition Day 2020

    National POW/MIA Recognition Day was established in 1979 and is commemorated on the third Friday in September. The purpose of this day is to honor those members of the military who were held captive as prisoners of war (POW) and returned, as well as those who remain missing in action (MIA). For the

  • Redhawks at the Victory and the Journey Home

    As we commemorate the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II on 2 September 1945, let us recall the role Oregon’s first aviation unit, the 123rd Observation Squadron, played in the war. The 123rd Obs was activated on 18 April 1941 in Portland, Oregon. After a brief period of training and

  • The 371st Fighter Group in Operation Overlord: Remembering Normandy at 75

    This year marks the 75th anniversary of Operation Overlord, the Allied landings on the beaches of Normandy, France, commencing the western land effort to liberate Europe from Nazi tyranny. Over 150,000 Allied soldiers, including over 13,000 airborne troops, landed from aircraft and ships on or